According to the CSC requirements, CPU School of International Education will continue to take charge of the Annual Review for all CSC scholarship students studying at CPU. The Annual Review is a comprehensive assessment of students’ performance, including moral conduct, academic performance, classroom/lab attitude, and performance in activities since 2021 in academic year 2021/2022.Each student is given a score (full score=100) and a descriptive comment.
所有2021年9月以来申请休学已获批或正在申请休学中的奖学金生;2021 年奖学金评审不合格被中止奖学金资格拟中请恢复奖学金的学生。
All students who anticipate to be covered by CSC full scholarship after Sep.2022 must participate in the Annual Review,including all students approved for academic suspension since Sep.2021 till now, or pending approval for suspension and students who have been disqualified from the 2021 scholarship annual review and are planning to resume the scholarship.
二、年审流程 Review Procedure
今年开始学生须通过中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统(studyinchina.csc.edu.cn)进行。 基本流程为“ 学校导入年审学生名单一学生自评一导师打分一学校填写意见—上报”。具体步骤如下:
Application from this year should be made through the Chinese Government ScholarshipStudy in China Management Information System. The process is "list uploading-self-evaluation by students-evaluation by supervisors-and school review". The specific steps are as follows:
1. 国教院先行完成评分项说明、导入年审学生名单、匹配导师/联系人信息等前置步骤后,年审表格推送至学生端;
The School of International Education shall first complete the scoring item description, import the list of students for annual review, match the supervisors/contacts information and other pre-steps; then the form will be sent to enlisted students;
2. 年审表格下发至学生端后,参评学生通过CSC号登录信息系统studyinchina.csc.edu.cn,进入“奖学金年度自评”,首先填写“中国政府奖学金院校评估问卷”,完成自评信息和上传附加材料后,点击“提交”;
After the annual review form is sent to students, students should log in the information system studyinchina.csc.edu.cn through the CSC number to enter the "Annual Self-evaluation of Scholarship", fill in the "Chinese Government Scholarship Institution Evaluation Questionnaire", complete the self-evaluation information and upload the supporting materials, and click "Submit";
3. 学校导师/联系人邮箱收到邮件,包含登录链接、临时用户名和密码,导师/联系人登录系统后需修改正式密码,进入“奖学金学生考评”页面,为学生打分和填写考评人意见后,点击“提交”;
The tutors/contacts will receive an email containing login link, temporary user name and password. The tutor/contact needs to change the official password after logging in to the system, enter the page of "Evaluation of Scholarship Students", give the student score and fill in the comments, and click "Submit";
4. 国教院为每名参评学生填写“评审意见”并提交至国家留学基金委。
The School of International Education will fill in the "Evaluation Opinion" for each participating student and submit it to China Scholarship Council.
2022年4月20日前 国教院完成名单上传;
The students list will be uploaded before April 20, 2022 by School of International Education;
4月20日-4月30日 学生完成表格填写、上传附件并提交;
From April 20 to April 30, students shall fill in the form, upload the attachments and submit;
4月30日-5月12日 导师/联系人为学生打分并填写考评意见;
From April 30 to May 12, supervisors/contacts shall give student score and fill in comments;
5月20日前 国教院提交材料至国家留学基金委。
Before May 20, School of International Education shall submit all the materials to China Scholarship Council.
四、结果通报Announcement of Results
CSC will announce the results for Annual Review in Aug. 2022. Those who fail to pass the Annual Review, including those who fail to submit Annual Review forms before the time limit, will not only stop receiving monthly stipend from Sep.2022 to Aug.2023, but also shall pay the 2022-2023 academic year's tuition, accommodation and insurance on their own expense.
1、年审学生名单Student List of Annual Review
2022 students list of annual review.xls
2、学生表格填写指南Guidance for Form Filling
School of International Education
April 15, 2022