New Year’s Holiday Notice and Safety Reminder

Publisher:张晨Published:2021-12-29Times :638


International Students,


The 2022 New Year's holiday will last from January 1st to 3rd, three days. Based on the actual situation of CPU's regular epidemic prevention and control, the School's work arrangement during the New Year's Holiday in 2022 is hereby notified as follows:

1. 放假及考试安排


The 2022 New Year's holiday will last from January 1st to 3rd, three days. For students who have exams during the holiday, please attend the exam on time according to the latest final examination arrangement.

For final exam schedule:

2. 继续做好体温监测,每日更新“cpu健康码”。

Pay close attention to your own health status and update “CPU Health Code” in Wechat Work every day.

3. 在校学生非必要不出校,非必要不离宁。确因特殊情况需要在校外过夜的,务必事先通过“线上离校申请模块”向班主任及学院提交申请。

Students are NOT allowed to leave Nanjing unless necessary, on-campus students are encouraged to stay in school. Students who need to leave Nanjing or On-campus students who need to stay outside campus overnight under very special circumstances must report to the class mentor and the School of International Education in advance by applying online through “Leaving Campus Application System for International Students".

For online application instructions:

4. 学生每晚6-10点在宿舍楼门卫处签到,禁止夜不归宿。学院将抽查出入校门记录,一经发现未经许可夜不归宿者,将给予纪律处分。

Students on-campus are required to sign at residence hall's security every 6-10pm and must not stay off-campus overnight. The School will pay close attention to the data of gate exits and entries, and students who are found to stay outside overnight without approval will be subject to disciplinary actions.

5. 近期天气寒冷,外出留意路面湿滑、结冰情况,确保出行安全。在公共场所、乘坐公交/出租时全程佩戴口罩,保持社交距离,避免到人群聚集、空气流动性差的场所。勤洗手,做好个人防护。

Recently, roads tend to freeze and be slippery. Pay attention to road traffic and do not walk or ride inattentively. Wear a mask in public areas and when taking a bus/taxi. Keep social distancing and avoid activities in crowded, poorly-aerated indoors. Wash hands frequently and do necessary self-protection.

6. 继续遵守校内宿舍管理规定,严禁在宿舍违章使用大功率电器及明火,严禁将易燃、易爆及毒害物品带入宿舍,严禁酗酒及大声喧哗。离开宿舍时,及时切断电源,消除火灾隐患。

Students must continue to abide by the regulations of on-campus residence, and are forbidden to use all forms of fire, heaters, alcohol, flammables, explosives, poisonous substances in residence halls, or make noises to disturb the neighborhood. Before leaving the bedroom, shut the electricity to avoid fire accidents.


The School wishes all students happy and healthy in the new year of 2022 and achieve new academic progress!


School of International Education
