Campus Card

Publisher:张晨Published:2023-07-07Times :2099


Degree candidates have a 10-digit student ID number and photo printed on the card.  Expiration date: July 15 of the year of completion. For degree candidates, the card number is the unique CPU identity. It is the same as Internet user nameonline payment user name , CPU email account, VPN, and WeCom identity.  The degree candidate card can be used for all on-campus facilities. Students can swipe face to enter the school gate or dormitory halls. 

Chinese prep. students have a 10-digit temporary ID. The temporary account has less functions than that of the degree candidate (e.g. no school email box is created, cannot borrow books, no VPN for off-campus access), but student can also bind WeCom with the temporary ID. 

If a non-degree student gets enrolled in a degree program, he/she will need to change his/her CPU identity (internet, WeCom, etc.) into the degree candidate ID. 


Initial password is either same as the ID number or last 6 digits of passport number.  

If you forget your card password or email box password, reset with booklet student ID at Library 702, information center. 


For each new card, the initial balance is -20 Yuan and status is "deactivated". To activate the card, recharge the card with human services at Logistics Service Center near Cafeteria #2 for the first time.  

You may also recharge the card, change initial password and pay room electricity fees using the self-service machine at Logistics Service Center 

Loss and Replacement:

Please take your booklet student ID (学生证) to  Logistics Service Center to make up for the new card. 

Each time the card is replaced, a 20 Yuan is charged to the card balance. 

For on-campus residents, the new card shall be re-activated at the dormitory securities. 

Daily consumption limit is 50 Yuan, above which a password (initial: 888888) is required.