Guidance for CPU Visiting Appointment

Publisher:张晨Published:2023-12-27Times :10



First step: Follow CPU Official Wechat Account


Second step: Choose 【服务】(service)-【访客预约】(visiting appointment)




倪可馨1020232698 (本科生)

陈帅奇 1020232697 (研究生)

张晨1620184520 (其他人员)



Step 3: Fill in the necessary information and upload your personal Photo

Choose 【国际教育学院】(School of International Education)

Name and Staff No. You will visit

For undergraduates, please fill in 【倪可馨】1020232698

For master and Ph.D, please fill in 【陈帅奇】1020232697

For others, please fill in 【张晨】1620184520

Purpose of the visit: visit the faculty or students

Noteif you are visiting CPU students, please fill in the students PASSPORT name here. Otherwise the officer has the right to reject your visiting appointment.