About “Experience China, Our Anti-COVID-19 Story” –Writing Competition for CSC Students

Publisher:张晨Published:2020-06-01Times :620


About “Experience China, Our Anti-COVID-19 Story” –Writing Competition for CSC Students

新冠肺炎疫情发生以来, 广大中国政府奖学金生亲身经历了中国疫情防控的各项举措, 见证了中国政府和人民众志成城打好抗疫战争的全过程。5 1 7 日, 习近平主席给北京科技大学全体巴基斯坦留学生的回信发布后, 在师生中引起强烈反响。为积极贯彻落实习主席回信精神, 进一步做好常态化疫情防控下的留学生管理工作,讲好中国抗疫故事, 向世界展示中国疫情防控的成果,决定举办“感知中国·我们的抗疫故事”征文活动。

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, a vast number of CSC students have personally experienced various measures that the Chinese government has taken to prevent and control the epidemic and witnessed the whole process of the Chinese government and Chinese people’s concerted efforts to fight against the epidemic. On May 17, President Xi Jinping replied to all Pakistani students at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, which has aroused warm discussion among teachers and students. In order to actively implement President Xi’s spirit in the letter of reply, further improve the management of international students under the circumstance of regular epidemic prevention and control, tell a good anti-COVID-19 story of China, and show the world the achievements of China’s epidemic prevention and control, the “Experience China, Our Anti-COVID-19 Story” –Writing Competition for CSC Students is held.    




I Organiser:

Host: China Scholarship Council

Co-host: China Scholars Abroad magazine


II Theme: Experience China, Our Anti-COVID-19 Story


III Target Group: CSC students


IV Requirements:


(1) Themes:


a. Our anti-COVID-19 story. Facing the COVID-19, CSC students have supported and participated in the epidemic prevention and control by all means. Many role-model have emerged. Please write it down so that more people will know the stories of them. You can write your own story or the stories of other CSC students around you.

2) 疫情下的中国。疫情期间,你可能滞留在中国,也可能回到了自己的祖国,不论在哪里,你都关心着中国的疫情与中国的老师和同学保持着联系,你对中国有了什么新的认识和感受?

b. China under the influence of COVID-19. During the epidemic period, you may stay in China or return to your motherland. No matter where you are, you are concerned about the epidemic in China and keep in touch with Chinese teachers and classmates. What new understandings and feelings do you have about China?

3) 疫情下的学习时光。因为疫情,我们居家不外出,经历了一段独处的时光,你是怎么度过的?疫情期间, 停课不停学,你的母校和中国的老师给予了你怎样的帮助?你是怎么努力坚持学习的? 有哪些收获?

c. Study life under the influence of COVID-19. We stayed at home and didn’t go out, experiencing a period of solitude due to the COVID-19. How did you go through this period? During the epidemic, classes were suspended but learning should not be ceased. How did your university and Chinese teachers help you? How do you endeavor to keep studying hard? What have you achieved?

4) 对全球疫惰的思考。疫情在全世界持续爆发,作为青年留学生,我们该为抗击疫情做些什么?中国在抗击疫情中有哪些好的经验值得推广?疫情下,如何能够让更多的人携起手来,为促进民心相通、推动构建人类命运共同体贡献力量?

d. Thoughts about the global COVID-19 epidemic. With the breakout of COVID-19 through the whole world, as young CSC students, what should we do to combat the epidemic? What good experiences in China’s fighting against the epidemic are worth promotion? Facing the epidemic, how to make more people join together to contribute to promoting people-to-people connectivity and building a community with a shared future for humanity?

(二)体裁: 可采用散文、随笔、议论文、记叙文等多种形式,不接受诗歌。

(2) Genre:

prose, essay, argumentative essay, narrative and other forms are acceptable (poetry is not included).


(3) Language: Chinese or English


(4) Format:


方正小标宋简体, 小二号


Font: Times New Roman, Size: 18



Main body:

Font: Times New Roman, Size: 16

(五)字数: 原则上不超过3000 字。

(5) Number of words:

No more than 3,000 words in principle.

(六)作者简介及照片:作者提供一份个人简介, 简介应包含个人基本信息、获奖情况、参加活动和学习工作情况等。另请提交一张个人电子照片, 作品如有配图,应提供图片说明,图片请提交原图文件,要求JPG格式,画面清晰,每个文件大小不少于2M

(6) The author's brief introduction and photos: The author should provide a personal brief introduction that includes basic personal information, awards, participation in activities, study and work, etc. In addition, the author should also submit a personal digital photo. If there are any illustrating pictures for your work, please add notes. The pictures (JPG format) you submit must be original and clear, whose size should be no less than 2M for each.





V Mailbox and Contact Person:

Ms. Zhang




The manuscript should be named after the sequence “Province-University Name-Author’s Chinese Name-Title of the Work".

六、提交作品截止时间: 2020 6 11 日。

VI Deadline: June 11, 2020

七、稿件的使用:国家留学基金委将组织有关专家对稿件进行点评, 并将优秀作品编辑成集,《神州学人》刊物将择件刊发。


VII Use of Manuscript:

The China Scholarship Council will invite experts to comment on the manuscripts and compile outstanding works into a collection. Selected works will be published on China Scholars Abroad.

Each participant will be awarded with a commemorative certificate.