Notice on teaching arrangement for all international students, Second Semester, Academic Year 2019-2020

Publisher:刘琪Published:2020-04-15Times :1031



Apr.14, 2020


Dear international students,


The School of International Education hereby announces the following arrangements for all international students during the epidemic prevention and control period, in accordance with the latest policies by CPU Academic Affairs Office and other relevant schools.

一、本科生 Undergraduate Students

1、毕业班留学生Final-year undergraduate students


Final year international students currently outside China should write their thesis proposal and attend the thesis defense online. In detail, student shall submit literature review, experimental design, proposal, and finish the graduation thesis under supervisor’s guidance before the time limits, respectively. And the defense will be held online by the school where the internship takes place. Final-year students currently in China are required to complete their internship in accordance with the requirements of their school.


Make-up exams in the final semester will be open book exams. The time and place of the examination will be notified separately.


For retaken courses in the final semester, theoretical courses and experimental courses will be taught online for students outside China and in-class courses will be arranged by their schools or departments for students in China. The exams for both theoretical courses and experimental courses will be open-book exams.

2、非毕业班留学生Non-graduating undergraduate students


International students outside China: all theoretical and experimental courses are taught online. The examination will adopt the form of open-book examination. Make-up examination and retaken courses will be arranged after returning.


International students currently in China: all courses are arranged by their school, the timetable will be notified separately. The make-up examination in this semester will be arranged by the University. Retaken courses are implemented according to their school.

二、研究生Postgraduate students


Chinese-taught first-year masters: all courses will continue to be taught online. Any change of timetable will be notified separately.


English-taught first-year masters: all theoretical courses except Chinese Languageare taught online this semester. Chinese language courses will be taught online for students outside China and in-class for students in China. The timetable will be notified separately. The experimental courses are postponed to the next semester.


Postgraduate students of second year and above: Please follow the arrangement of your supervisor and relevant research group to resume the research work.

三、汉语生 For Chinese Language Prep. Students


All the courses are taught online for students who are currently outside China and in-class for students in China. The timetable will be notified separately.  



School of International Education