Regulations on Payment of International Students

Publisher:张晨Published:2023-07-07Times :1953


School of International Education (2018) No.5



To further standardize the payment and refund of international students and better serve students’ study and life, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the Administrative Measures for International Student Enrollment and EducationDecree No. 42 jointly enacted by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Security, as well as realted University policies.


Article 1 All international students are required to complete all payments as required, and all the fees of international students are settled and calculated in Chinese YuanRMB. Scholarship students shall pay the difference fee that is not covered by their scholarship(s).

第一条 所有外国留学生须按要求完成所有缴费,留学生的所有费用以人民币结算。各类奖学金生须自付奖学金未减免或未覆盖的部分。

Article 2 Upon receiving the pre-admission notice, foreign applicants shall pay registration fee and commitment fee as instructed. After confirmation, School of International Education issues Admission Notice and Visa Application Form. The commitment fee is RMB 2000/person.


Article 3 Before registration, incoming new students may pay their registration fee and commitment fee via A. telegraphic transfer B. CPU’s Online Payment System. After registration, all students shall pay via CPU’s Online Payment System. Technically, no international or domestic telegraphic transfer is accepted for registered students. If student transfers money to CPU account without School of International Education’s prior notice or approval, student shall confirm the transaction with the payer’s bank and then print his/her own receipt at CPU Financial Office.

第三条 尚未报到注册新生报名费及预录取费可电汇或网上平台缴费。所有在校生缴费方式默认为网上平台缴费,原则上不接受在校生电汇付款(无论国际或国内转账)。如出现未经同意已经电汇至我校账户的情况,由学生自行与收款行核对入账后,到计财处开具发票。

Article 4 Generally, students pay by the unit of academic year or semester. CPU President Scholarship students and students under certain agreements shall pay by the minimum unit of academic year.New students who register later than September 15 shall pay for their first academic year. All Chinese language class and final-year students shall pay their tuition by academic year and accommodation fee for 11 months.

第四条 学生学费及住宿费缴纳须以学期或学年为单位。校长奖学金生及其他符合条件的留学生缴费必须以学年为单位。所有915日以后报到的新生必须一次性付清第一学年费用。汉语班及毕业班留学生学费须按学年缴纳,住宿费须按11个月缴纳。

Article 5 Students whose overall study period is more than one semester and less than one year shall pay by academic year and accommodation fee by actual month of living. For short-term students whose study period is less than 3 months their tuition fees are based on the fees of corresponding degree students, and accommodation fee by actual month of living. For short-term students whose study period is less than one monththe tuition is specified in the program prospectus and accommodation fee is charged by day.


Article 6 Deadline of paymentFall Semester: 30 days upon arrival for incoming students; Sep.1 for returning students. Spring Semester: Jan.5 for final-year and Chinese language students and March 5 for others.

第六条 缴费截止日期。秋季学期:新生入境30天内;在校生91日。春季学期:毕业班15日;非毕业班35日。

Article 7 When students drop out, graduate or complete study program, degree/graduation/completion certificates will be issued when there is no unpaid fee.

第七条 学生在退学或毕/结业离校时,须缴清欠费,方可取得相关证书。

Article 8 After registration, self-funded students’ commitment fee will be calculated into tuition or accommodation. Chinese Governmental Scholarship students’ commitment fee will be refunded. For those who fail to register on time and lose their admission qualifications, the commitment fee will not be refunded.

第八条 留学生入学报到后,自费留学生所缴预录取费将计入其学费或住宿费,中国政府奖学金全奖留学生所缴预录取费将予以退还。未按期完成报到注册的新生,其预录取费不予以退还。

Article 9 Tuition is not refunded to students who drop out, automatically withdraw or are dismissed for violating laws and regulations. Accommodation fee can be refunded since the next month of successful checking-out.

第九条 留学生中途退学或转学者,或因违反校纪校规被开除者,已收取的学费一般不退。住宿费按实际居住情况按月结算,从留学生成功退宿的下一个月开始计算予以退还。

Article 10 For refund, students must submit the original receipts from the Financial Office or print out Online Transaction Records. The Application Form for Refunding should be submitted for approval by the School of International Education before the refund is processed by the Financial Office.

第十条 所有退费须提交计财处原始收据或网上缴费历史记录,国际教育学院核算,出具《留学生退费确认函》,并由院领导签字同意后,留学生可在计财处办理退费。

Article 11 All refunds are calculated in Chinese YuanRMBand shall be applied and taken by the student in person.

第十一条 退费以人民币结算。所有退费原则上必须本人申请和领取。

Article 12 The Regulations are put into effect on the date of publish. The School of International Education reserves all the rights for the final explanation. Regulations on Payment and Visa for International Students2015No .4 automatically expire.

第十二条 本规定自发文之日起开始实施,由国际教育学院及计财处负责解释。原《中国药科大学留学生缴费、签证及居留许可相关规定》药大外函(20154号自动作废。

China Pharmaceutical University

School of International Education

December 10, 2018


