¥600 Jiangsu PingAn Purchase and Making a Claim

Publisher:张晨Published:2021-09-28Times :1606

I.购买 Purchase

Students may purchase the Jiangsu PingAn insurance by following WeChat gh_303a1fb24158 to complete payment and consult client service. Read the terms and conditions before you pay.  

*The Student ID quicklink contained in text message only allows payment within the time limit. If you didn't pay on time, it shuts down access.  

*If you changed mobile phone number please inform your university and Jiangsu PingAn client service timely. Otherwise you won’t receive the successful notice text message.  

II. 出险Making a Claim

1. How to apply for advance payment住院垫付指南

住院 Hospitalization:  


If you are needful of advance payment, make sure to go to a public hospital (see transportation guidance).  


After the outpatient department’s diagnosis, if hospitalization is a necessity for the treatment, student shall pay the in-patient deposit (usually a few thousands) to get hospitalized. A hospitalization certificate will be issued.  


If the patient is awake and sane, the patient may inform the class mentor in person. If not, the person(s) spotted the case may informs the class mentor, and inform the patient’s emergency contact (family or embassy) at the same time.  


The class mentor adds the student into WeChat group to make a claim. Student uploads all the materials required for advance payment to the group files.  


Friendly reminder: According to the Regulations on the Management of Medical Institutions of the People's Republic of China, the hospital should obtain the patient's consent and signature before performing surgery or special treatment. If the patient is unconscious and cannot sign, his/her relatives or related person(s) shall sign. When patient opinions cannot be obtained, no family members or related persons are present, or other special circumstances are encountered, the treating physician shall propose a medical treatment plan, which shall be implemented after obtaining the approval of the person in charge of the medical institution or the authorized person in charge.  

申请垫付所需材料 Materials required for advance payment:  

1)保单号(购买成功后短信包含)Insurance certificate number (included in text message after successful purchase,

2)学生的护照首页+签证页 Photos of passport ID page + visa page;  

3)主治医生姓名+电话 Surgeon's name & phone;  

4)医院名称+科室;床号 Hospital name+ department, ward and bed number;  

5)入院单(含住院号) Hospitalization certificate including hospitalization serial number;  

6)打印的医疗报告(诊断书、检测报告) Printed medical records (diagnosis),  

7)理赔授权委托书签字照片Photo of signed <Power of Attorney for Claims> ,

8)垫付申请承诺函签字照片Photo of signed <Commitment Letter for application of medical expense coverage>.


It is up to Jiangsu PingAn to decide whether to pay or not. Please notify if the condition is exempted from insurance liabilities student needs to pay on his/her own, and so please read carefully the exemptions and liabilities before purchase, and make copies.  


All outpatience/emergency expenses are exemptions from insurance coverage.


If insurance company agrees to take over, student may stop to pay.  


The insurance company deals with advance payment between 9AM and 5:30PM.  


Before the advance payment runs out, or student is soon to be discharged, student may take a photo of the bill to ask insurance company for further payment.   

出院及理赔 Discharge and reimbursement  

出院后理赔材料 Checklist of claim materials to be mailed after discharge

1)出院小结 Discharge summary

2)诊断证明 Certificate of diagnosis   

3)发票(原件)Original medical receipt

4)费用明细(费用清单)Medical fee invoice (breakdown list)

5)学生护照信息 Passport photocopy   

6)学生银行卡信息(卡号+开户行到支行)可能会退款给学生Bank accountaccount name, account number, bank branch nameto receive refund   

7)理赔授权委托书原件Original document of signed <Power of Attorney for Claims>

8)垫付申请承诺函原件Original document of signed <Commitment Letter for application of medical expense coverage>

材料邮寄地址Mailing addressexpress)  



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