Announcement: Collection of 2021 Presidential Scholarship Annual Review Materials

Publisher:刘琪Published:2021-05-31Times :906



Up to 2PM Beijing Time, May 31, 2021, among the 255 presidential scholarship students supposed to participate in the 2021 Annual Review, the following 43 students have not submitted the online self-assessment, after school's several reminders.

学号                  中文名

2620190130     卡莫

2620190011     谭克朗

2620190002     亦格

2620190156     约翰

2620190041     阿斯贝克

2620200035     蔡志强

2620200044     姚梦惠

2620200041     目媞

2620170086     哈娃

2020182807     罗维尼斯

2020182808     塔莉莎

2020182863     常德拉

2020182874     阿池鹏

2020182888     九思

2020182855     卡卡

2020182881     然克

2620190065     杜哈

2620190066     普可

2620190117     亚布

2620190101     亚哈

2620190110     陈妙思

2620190098     尼姆卡

2620190128     沙克

2620190129     贝德玛

2620190113     楠楠

2620190056     武柯

2620190153     巴特哈

2620190094     江伟

2620200087     法瑞达

2620200081     本瑞

2620200115     珂芮

2620200073     皮特

2620200070     曼迪

2620200110     尔辰

2620200080     瑞恩

2620200113     曼妮丝

2620200120     罗迪

2620200125     查娅

2620200128     里贾森

2620200122     尼古拉

3619029001     伊斯马里

3920010002     塔卡尔

3920010004     弗朗丝卡



The following 11 student (other than English-taught bachelor’s and Chinese preparatory) have not submitted screenshot of transcripts.

学号           中文名

2620190014     谭卡厅

2620190147     胡米德

2620190156     约翰

2620190041     阿斯贝克

2620190045     谭富汉

2620200035     蔡志强

2620200039     阮维强

2620200044     姚梦惠

3619029001     伊斯马里

3920080001     普来舍斯

3920010002     塔卡尔


如有异议,请在北京时间202162日下午5点前联系 并取得人工回复的材料齐全回执。逾期按规定视为放弃奖学金资格。

Any objections, please email and receive Ms.Liu’s successful notice (other than automated reply or any kind of rejection) before June 2, 2021. Otherwise, it is deemed as giving up scholarship qualification according to the regulations.



Note: This announcement is not a substitute for the final result.



School of International Education, China Pharmaceutical University
