Notice on “Works from 100 International Friends to 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China”
1. 活动截止时间: 2021年5月20日。
Deadline: 20th May, 2021
2. 组织机构:
Foreign Talents Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
International Talent Magazine
Beijing Rice Future Technology Co., Ltd. (VIPKID)
3. 活动对象:中国药科大学全体留学生、外国专家、国际友人
Participants: All CPU international students, friends, and foreign experts.
4. 作品内容 Contents
(1) 主题。围绕但不限于以下主题:在中国学习、生活中经历的;与中国友人之间发生的;在科技、扶贫、奥运、教育、文化、医疗、环保等领域,以及在抗击新冠肺炎疫情期间进行国际科技合作交流中的难忘故事。
Theme: topics including but not limited to:
•Your experience of studying or working in China.
•Stories between you and your Chinese friends.
•Stories regarding science and technology, poverty alleviation, Olympic Games, education, culture, medical care, and environmental protection, etc.
•Stories about international scientific and technological cooperation during the COVID-19 epidemic.
(2) 形式。作品为视频形式,以中英文字幕展示为主。
Format: The works will be in the form of videos with Chinese and English subtitles.
(3) 版权。作品须为原创,不得抄袭或有其他违反中国法律法规的内容;作者对视频享有完整版权,提交作品即视为授权主办方拥有该作品(含作品表演者的肖像)的编辑及宣传推广使用权。若作品侵犯著作权、肖像权等有关法规,所涉法律责任由作者自行承担。
Copyright: The works must be original and must not copy others or have any content that violates Chinese laws and regulations. The producer has full ownership of the video’s copyright. Upon its submission, the organizer will have the right to edit and promote the work (including the performer’s image). If the work violates relevant laws and regulations, such as copyright and portrait rights laws, the legal liability shall be borne by producers themselves.
5. 作品要求 Requirements
(1) 拍摄要求。时长不超过5分钟(3分钟左右最佳),可使用专业相机或者手机后置摄像头(建议横屏,分辨率不小于1920px×1080px),画质清晰,富有创意,场景不限,勿添加水印。
Shooting Requirement
The duration should not exceed 5 minutes (3 minutes is best), and videos shot by both professional and mobile phone cameras are acceptable (landscape screen is recommended, with image resolution not less than 1920px×1080px). The videos submitted should be creative with clear pictures. The filming scenes are free to choose. Watermarks are not allowed.
(2) 附件要求。作品请附文字说明。一是文字介绍(100字左右),包括视频的拍摄背景、内容创意和中英文字幕;二是视频中外国友人简介,包括姓名、国籍、所在单位、专业领域、获奖情况等;三是作品作者简介,包括姓名、单位、联系方式等。具体详见附件《视频征集展示活动登记表》。
Attachment Requirement
Please attach a text description along with the video submission. The report should be comprised of three parts. Part 1 will be a text introduction (about 100 words) covering the video’s background, creative ideas and content, and Chinese and English subtitles. Part 2 will introduce foreign experts or international friends who are the main characters of the video. Certain information must be stated, including name, nationality, study or work unit, area of expertise and awards. Part 3 will be the introduction of the video producer, including the name, unit, and contact information. For details, please refer to the attachment: Registration Form for Video Solicitation and Exhibition.
(3) 提交要求。请将作品及其附件在5月20日前一并发送到邮箱:1964313267@qq.com。如果视频过大无法发送,可以使用百度云盘,将链接发送到邮箱。学院将会对提交的视频进行初选,通过初选的作品将代表学院参加比赛。
Submission Requirement
Please send the video works and their attachments to the following email address: 1964313267@qq.com before 20th, May. If the video is too big to send, you can use Baidu cloud disk and send the link to the email address. The School will conduct a preliminary selection of the submitted videos, and the shortlisted videos will be sent to the event organizers.
(4) 其他事项。本次征集活动全国将推出100个优秀作品,在相关重要平台进行展示,同时为作品及优秀组织单位发放荣誉证书。
A total of 100 outstanding works will be selected national wide and exhibited on related important media or platform. Certificates of honor will be presented to these exceptional works.
6. 联系 Contact
徐老师 Mr. Xu
电话 Phone Number:86185426
邮箱 Email address:1964313267@qq.com
★Registration Form for Video Solicitation and Exhibition(1).docx
School of International Education
May 7, 2021