Notice on Labour Holiday

Publisher:张晨Published:2021-04-27Times :777


一、放假时间 Time for the holiday




The LabourHoliday will last from May 1stto 5th, a total of five days.

Classes on May 1st (Saturday) will be suspended.

May 8th (Saturday): courses of May 3rd (Monday).

二、假期相关要求 Requirements during the holiday

1. 学生原则上不离开南京不离校(临时搬至校外居住,下同)。在校学生可通过刷脸出入校门,在校学生要尽量减少出校不前往中高风险区,在公共场所保持社交距离,避免到人群聚集尤其是空气流动性差的场所如有特殊情况需离校/宁,应于428日前向班主任提交《2021劳动节离/宁申请表》,获得批准后方可离开学校/南京,外出学生不得前往中高风险区。所有假期离校/宁学生需于54日下午4点前提交苏康码、CPU健康码、行程码至班主任审核,并55日晚8点前返校。

Students are not allowed to move outside campus orleave Nanjing in general. On-campus students may exit and enter the university gate by swiping face during the holiday. On-campus students should avoid unnecessary outings, shall not go to middle or high risk areaskeep social distancing and avoid crowds, especially places with poor ventilation, and .Students who need to move outside campus or leave Nanjing under special circumstances shall submit the “Application Form for Moving outside Campus or Leaving Nanjing during the 2021 Labour holiday”(attachment 1) before April 28 to the class mentor. Only after approval can students move outside campus or leave Nanjing and students shall avoid middle or high risk areas. All on-campus housing students who move outside campus or leave Nanjing during the holiday shall submit Sukang code, CPU health code, travel history to the class mentor before 4pm, May 4 and return to campus before 8pm, May 5.

2. 住校生严禁夜不归宿。学院将抽查出入校门记录,一经发现夜不归宿者,将给予纪律处分。

It is strictly forbidden for on-campus housing students to stay outside

overnight. The School will pay close attention to the data of gate exits and entries, and students who are found to stay outside overnight will be subject to disciplinary actions.

3. 继续做好体温监测,每日更新“CPU健康码”。

Students should continue to do the temperature check and update “CPU Health Code” every day.

4. 假期期间遵守校内住宿管理规定,不得在留学生宿舍楼内用火和违章电器,或从事影响他人学习和休息的活动,如大声喧哗、酗酒、大声放音乐、举办聚会等。

Students on-campus shall continue to abide by the housing regulations. Do not use fire or forbidden utilities, or to disturb the neighborhood (e.g. shouting, heavy drinking, playing loud music, holding group activity in the building, etc.)

Application Form for Leaving Nanjing during the Labour holiday20210427.docx



School of International Education

April 26, 2021