Regulations on Campus Housing for International Students at CPU

Publisher:张晨Published:2023-07-07Times :2237


Regulations on Campus Housing for International Students at CPU (Trial)

SN: [2016] No.7


Campus Housing is important part of study and life for international students. The University needs to provide good service and strict administration for educational purposes. The Regulations serve to ensure international students a safe, comfortable and clean accommodation condition.

  1. 留学生需在入住宿舍后24小时内,带护照、护照复印件在校区所在派出所办理临时住宿登记手续。

Article 1. International student shall fill in the Temporary Residence Registration with the local police with own passport (original and photocopy), 24 hours upon checking in.

  1. 在我校注册的留学生,原则上第一年学生必须在我校留学生宿舍居住。

Article 2. In general, international student registered at CPU shall not live off-campus throughout their first year of study.

  1. 留学生入学时须一次性付清不低于一学期的住宿费用,并在办理入住手续时,需办理宿舍押金冻结,离校时退还解除押金冻结。学习期限在一学期以下的,按照实际学习期限付清住宿费。

Article 3. Incoming student shall pay at least one semesters accommodation fee, and pay a refundable room deposit before checking-in. The deposit is refundable upon successful checking-out. Student whose period of study is less than one semester may pay by month.

  1. 留学生入住前需对房间配备的物品进行清点,并和宿舍楼物业提供的《留学生房间物品清单》进行对照,签字确认,并签署《中国药科大学留学生宿舍入住协议》。在使用过程中如有损坏或遗失需照价赔偿。

Article 4. Before checking-in, student shall examine the room and utilities according to the Checklist provided by administrative staff, and put signature on the University Dormitory Contract. Student shall be fully responsible for the compensation of any loss or damage after checking-in.

  1. 留学生须按国际交流合作处指定房间住宿,不得私自调换房间。特殊情况需调整的,原则上在每学年开学一周内由留学生本人提出书面申请,经国际交流合作处同意,办理相关手续后方可调动。国际交流合作处有权在提前两周通知的情况下对学生现有房间做出调整。双人间因室友搬走落单者,国际交流合作处将为其安排新的房间,如拒不搬者,从下月起按照单人间收费。

Article 5. Student shall live in the appointed room and shall not exchange rooms without the consent of administrative staff. If student need to change the room, he/she shall submit written application to administrative staff for approval, and technically the application is only available during the first week of an academic year. For double rooms, the Section of International Students reserves the right to rearrange vacant beds. In that case, student shall be notified two weeks in advance. If student occupying two beds refuses to move or let new roommate move in within two weeks, the student shall pay accommodation fee according to the single room standard, starting from the next month of occupying two beds.

  1. 留学生应严格遵守宿舍楼作息制度,自觉按时熄灯就寝。宿舍楼冬季23:00关门,夏季24:00关门。因特殊原因不能及时返回宿舍者,须凭证件在宿舍门卫处登记后方能进入。

Article 6. Quiet hours are from 23:00 to 6:00 in winter and 24:00 to 6:00 in summer. Visitors are not allowed in during quiet hours. Students who stay out late at night shall register with doorkeeper when entering.

  1. 留学生宿舍内所分配锁匙只准本人使用,不得私配或转借他人。不得转让、转租自己的床位(房间)。

Article 7. Student shall not give possession of the room, key or any room facility to anyone else.

  1. 留学生假期回国、外出旅游、探亲访友,长时间离开时应切断房间电源,关闭水阀,关好门窗,同时,须在离校前告知宿舍管理员。

Article 8. Before vacations or if need to leave the room for a long time, student shall shut down the room electricity, water supply, doors and windows before leaving. Meanwhile, student shall register on the stay/leave form with administrative staff before vacation.

  1. 留学生宿舍仅供我校留学生本人居住使用,留学生不得私自留宿他人。来华探亲的留学生家属(配偶及子女)、外国朋友如需住宿,须持在华学习、工作或来华旅游的有关证件(护照),到学校附涉外宾馆办理住宿手续,费用自理。

Article 9. Student shall not host any visitor in his/her dormitory room including dependents (legal spouse and children). All foreign visitors shall live off-campus in hotels qualified to host foreigners and on their own expense.

  1. 未经许可不得进入他人房间;不得私自搬换或多占家具设备;不得擅自改造和损坏宿舍内的公共设施;不得自行油刷和涂写室内外墙壁;不得私自增添大件家具及电器,占用他人的生活空间。对违反者除责令恢复原状、照价赔偿外,并视情节给予相应处分。

Article 10. Student shall not:

Enter other dorm rooms (including vacant rooms) without the doorkeepers approval.

Move any university-provided facility from its original location.

Refurnish or remove room or public facility.

Paint or scribble on the walls.

Add large furniture or large electrical appliance.

Occupy public space.

Student who violate Article 10 shall be fully responsible for the compensation of loss or damage, restoration of the room to its original state, and is subject to disciplinary actions according to universitys Code of Conduct.

第十一条   严禁赌博、酗酒、吸毒、偷窃、打架斗殴等违反中国法律和学校纪律的行为;严禁携带易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射等威胁人身财产安全物品或淫秽物品进入宿舍;严禁在宿舍楼内进行推销、传销等经商活动、政治、宗教宣传活动及卖淫嫖娼等违法活动;严禁在宿舍楼内生火或焚烧物品。

Article 11. The following actions and items are strictly forbidden in dormitory:

Any action that violates laws, regulations and university Code of Conduct.

Using or storing items that are inflammable, explosive, poisonous, radioactive, pornographic or endangering public safety.

Selling (including pyramid selling) commodities, commercial/political/religious promotion of any kind.

Using any kind of fire (including but not limited to: smoking, candles, burning incense).

Student who violate Article 11 shall be fully responsible for the legally binding consequences and is subject to disciplinary actions according to the universitys Code of Conduct

第十二条  住宿期间电话费、网络费自理。

Article 12. Student shall purchase mobile phone and internet service on own expense.

第十三条  遵守道德规范,养成文明习惯。保持宿舍楼内外整洁美观,一切日常用具要干净整齐有序,不得胡乱摆放物品。若有私人物品放在公共场所超过二日,管理员可作无主物品处理。自行车须在指定地点停放,保持盥洗室的清洁卫生,不在公共场所吸烟。不向楼外投弃任何物品,垃圾要倒在指定地方。不得在宿舍楼内饲养宠物。

Article 13. Student shall show concern to the neighborhood by keeping public area clear of any obstructing objects. Any personal belonging left in the public area for more than 2 days will be considered unclaimed property and will be reclaimed by the house manager. Bicycles and e-bikes shall only be parked in appointed area. Smoking is strictly prohibited everywhere inside a building. Student shall keep own room and bathroom clean and tidy in order to control pests. Do not throw items outside the window. Take bagged garbage to appointed area. The only acceptable pet in dormitory is fish.

第十四条  宿舍内设施因人为原因造成的损坏由责任人承担其维修费用;双人间如无法明确责任则由所住房间留学生平均分摊费用。

Article 14. Loss and damage to room facilities caused by any reason other than natural disaster or quality problem shall be paid by student. For double room, if cannot decide who is responsible for the loss or damage, the compensation shall be paid 1:1 by the two roommates.

第十五条  自觉维护公共厨房的设施,注意节约用水,定期打扫,保持公共厨房清洁卫生。在公共厨房做饭时应安全使用电器及灶具,必须按使用说明和有关规定操作。违反操作规定造成事故者,须赔偿损失,后果严重者,将受到校纪处分,直至追究刑事责任。

Article 15. Student shall use public kitchen and shared facilities with care,  shut down tap water before leaving the kitchen, and clean the kitchen in turn. When using self-purchased appliance in the kitchen, follow the instructions of the appliance. Anyone causing damages due to improper use of electrical appliance (according to the Accident Investigation Report by the police) shall be fully responsible for the compensation, disciplinary actions and legal consequences.

第十六条  保持留学生宿舍楼的安静,不得在留学生宿舍楼内从事影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗、酗酒、大声放音乐、举办聚会等。由此引发的争吵、冲突或造成严重后果的,国际交流合作处将按相关规定予以处理。如因重大节日等正当理由要举办舞会、集会,须事先向国际交流合作处申请,批准同意后方可在指定场所举行。组织者须保证活动期间的安全,维持好现场秩序,所有活动须在23:00以前结束。

Article 16. Noise must not interfere with students’ study or sleep. Any action that might cause noise such as dancing, shouting, alcohol consumption, loud music, playing football, and partying are not allowed in dormitory. Student who causes conflicts due to noise is subject to disciplinary actions. If student need to hold group activity (more than 5 persons) on official holidays, the organizer shall submit written application to the administrative staff for approval before taking action. The organizer shall take charge of the safety and maintain orders. All activities shall end before 23:00.

第十七条  文明安全上网,遵守校网络中心相关管理规定。留学生不得利用网络从事危害中国国家安全、泄露国家秘密的违法犯罪活动,不得制作、查阅、复制和传播有碍社会治安及社会公德的信息和淫秽色情信息。 

Article 17. Student shall obey Chinas regulations on Internet Use. Do not use the internet for political uprising, terrorism, spying or any purpose that endanger Chinas national safety. Do not generate, browse, copy or spread any disturbing, harassing or pornographic message.

第十八条  毕(结)业离校时或搬往其他住所时,应做到文明离寝,在规定时间内搬离留学生宿舍(715日)。在交回房间钥匙、房间物品无损坏、电费已交清的情况下解除房间押金冻结。室内遗留物品逾期两周,学校将按报废处理。如未经同意而继续滞留学生宿舍或在宿舍内存放物品者,因宿舍清扫、维修等原因造成的一切损失由学生本人负责并须按规定交纳其滞留期间的住宿费用。

Article 18. Students graduating or completing study shall check out from on-campus dormitory on the stipulated date (July 15). Room deposit will be unfrozen and returned only upon successful checking out (returning the key, no loss or damage to room facilities, no unpaid fees). Any personal belonging left in the room for more than two weeks will be seemed as unclaimed property and will be recycled by the university. Overstay (occupying the room after the stipulated date without approval) will result in extra costs, including cleaning and maintenance costs. Student shall be solely responsible for the fees, the damage or loss due to overstay.  

第十九条  留学生未向国际交流合作处报告而擅自离校超过两周的,学校有权清理其房间和床位。个人物品代为保管两周,逾期学校将按报废处理。

Article 19. Student absent from class for more than two weeks will be deemed as Automatic Withdrawn and the university has every right to rearrange his/her dormitory room or bed. Any personal belonging left in the room for more than two weeks will be seemed as unclaimed property and will be recycled by the university.

第二十条  学校为每个留学生每学年免费提供一定额度的电,超量部分须由学生自费。

Article 20. The University provides a certain amount of free electricity for each room (unit: school year). When used up, student shall purchase electricity on own expense.

第二十一条  宿舍内严禁做饭,严禁在房间内使用或存放电磁炉、电暖器、电饭锅、电烤箱等大功率电器,严禁明火,一经发现, 没收所用电器, 并按有关规定给予处罚。 房间内电器或电路发生故障时,须报告物业管理员,由物业派专业电工进行检修,严禁自行拆卸或修理。

Article 21. Cooking in dormitory room is strictly forbidden. Storage of ovens, heaters, cookers, or any kind of heat-generating appliance in dormitory room is also forbidden. Once detected, the forbidden item will be confisticated and the owner of such items will be subject to disciplinary actions. For quality problem of room facilities and circuit, student shall inform house manager in a timely manner and shall not try to fix on his/her own.

第二十二条  房间内无人时,所有电器须断开电源,以免发生火灾。 有人时,安全用电,避免发生火灾。如因违反上述规定,由个人原因而造成火灾等事故,由责任人承担相应责任,并赔偿一切损失,后果严重者,将受到校纪处分,直至追究刑事责任。火灾原因以消防部门出具的第三方火灾鉴定报告为准。

Article 22. All electrical appliances shall be unplugged when nobodys in the room, and used properly when somebodys in the room. Student must accept full responsibility and compensation for the loss or damage caused by improper use or reasons other than quality problem or natural disaster, and is subject to disciplinary actions and legally binding responsibilities. All information regarding fire accident shall be provided in the third-party Fire Investigation Report by local fire police department.

第二十三条  来访者须出示身份证、学生证、护照或其他有效证件方能会客。并须履行下述手续,遵守下列规定:

(一) 由门卫取得联系,征得被访留学生同意后,按规定逐项认真登记。探访完毕,访客须在登记表上填写离开时间后方可离开。无有效证件者,门卫有权拒绝其进入宿舍。

(二)会客时间:周一至周日:9:00 —— 22:00     


Article 23. Visitor must show valid citizen ID, or student ID, or passport before entering the international student building. Besides, the following formalities must be fulfilled:

  1. The doorkeeper tries to contact the host student and get his/her approval. The visitor must sign in with the doorkeeper upon arrival and sign out when leaving. The doorkeeper has every right to deny entry if the visitor fails to show valid ID.

  2. Visiting hours: 9:00-22:00. No visitor shall be allowed in the building between 22:00 and 9:00, but rather, may meet the host student in the doorkeepers office.

第二十四条 留学生应认真配合、积极参与学校和国际交流合作处组织的卫生检查、安全检查活动。留学生在公寓的表现与留学生的奖学金评定、奖学金评审相挂钩。

Article 24. Student shall cooperate with the Room Check by the house manager and administrative staff. The performance of on-campus housing is a crucial factor for all kinds of scholarship review.

第二十五条  以上管理规定须认真遵守,如有违反规定者视情节轻重给予相应的处罚和校纪处分,造成恶劣影响的,国际交流合作处上报学校及上级相关部门处理。

Article 25. Violation of the regulations above will result in disciplinary actions, legal actions, and even diplomatic actions.

第二十六条  对本规定中未涉及的影响留学生宿舍安全和正常秩序的其它现象,将参照相近条文或学校有关规定进行处理。

Article 26. All other terms and condition not mentioned herein shall be executed according to the Universitys regulations that have already been published.

第二十七条 本规定自发文之日起开始实施,由国际交流合作处负责解释。

Article 27. The Regulations are put into effect on the date of publish. The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation reserves all the right for the final explanation.

中国药科大学 国际交流合作处Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, China Pharmaceutical University

20161213Date of Publish: December 13, 2016