To fund excellent international students to undertake full-time degree studies at China Pharmaceutical University, CPU now starts the 2020-2021 Academic Year Jiangsu Governmental Outstanding Scholarship application according to the latest notice by the government and the detailed notice is as follows:
一、奖学金标准及名额 Criteria and Quota
类别Student category | 标准Criteria | 名额Quota |
江苏省优秀(本科)Jiangsu Outstanding-Bachelor’s candidates | RMB 18,000 | 8 |
江苏省优秀(硕士)Jiangsu Outstanding-Master’s candidates | RMB 30,000 | 1 |
二、奖学金申请条件 Qualifications
1. 正常在校注册学习的二年级及以上外国学历生,且未申请过休学、保留学籍或延长学制。第一年学历生、汉补生和中国政府奖学金生不能参加该奖学金的评选。
Full-time degree candidates second-year or above enrolled at China Pharmaceutical University, and have NOT applied for academic suspension, extension or retention. The application is NOT applicable to all first-year degree candidates and Chinese language students. CSC Scholarship holders CANNOT apply.
2. 遵守中国政府的法律、法规和校规、校纪。因违反中国法律法规或校纪校规受过处分者不能参加奖学金的评选。
Students shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government and the rules of the university. Students who ever violated Chinese laws or university regulations SHALL NOT participate in the scholarship application.
3. 学习态度端正,勤奋刻苦,上一学年(2019-2020)学习成绩优秀,没有不及格或缺考。
Students shall have positive learning attitude, work hard, and have excellent academic result in the previous academic year (2019-2020). Students with any failed or absent courses SHALL NOT participate in the scholarship application.
4. 最近一年内满足以下条件之一:
(1) 在中国或国际核心、权威刊物上以第一作者或第二作者发表论文;
(2) 在国内外重大学术会议上宣读论文或作主要发言;
(3) 积极组织、参加校级以上各类艺术、体育及文化交流活动,成绩显著;
(4) 积极参加学校、院系组织开展的各类活动及社会实践活动;
(5) 为留学生服务及管理做出突出贡献。
Student must fulfill at least one of the requirements during the past Academic Year 2019-2020.
1) Have publication at China or International core journal (s) as first or second author.
2) Making keynote speech or present research article at important academic conferences in or outside China.
3) Actively organize or participate in university or above level arts, sports and cultural activities with remarkable achievements.
4) Actively participate in university or school activity and social practices.
5) Making outstanding contribution for international student administration and services.
三、申请材料 Application Documents
1. “留学江苏政府奖学金-优秀学生奖学金”申请表(请从国际教育学院网站表格区下载http://international.cpu.edu.cn/371/list.htm);
2. 上一学年的成绩单、已发表的文章及科研成果(细则见申请表);
3. 至少一封任课教师或导师推荐信;
4. 提供最近一年内在学术、体育、艺术、文化交流、公益活动等某一方面表现突出、成绩优秀的证明文件(细则见申请表)。
1. Application Form (to be downloaded from international.cpu.edu.cn, academics, downloadable forms http://international.cpu.edu.cn/371/list.htm)
2.Academic result of Academic Year 2019-2020, publications (first page) or patent. See the application form for details.
3. At least one recommendation letter from course instructor (Bachelor’s) or supervisor (Master’s).
4. Certificate of Academic Year 2019-2020 for remarkable achievement in academics, sports, arts, cultural exchanges or public activities. See the application form for details.
All materials shall be scanned into one PDF file and emailed to 1020082073@cpu.edu.cn as attachment.
四、申请截止日期Deadline of Application
5PM Dec.14, 2020
The time for the defense, announcement and issuance will otherwise be notified.
五、联系人 Contacts
刘老师 Ms. Liu
报名邮箱Email for application:1020082073@cpu.edu.cn
中国药科大学 国际教育学院
School of International Education