In order to maintain the safety and stability of the campus, resist the risk of the epidemic, and protect the health of teachers and students,the relevant work of dormitory management is hereby notified as follows:
1. 国际教育学院将每月开展2-3次查寝工作,具体查寝日期不定,查寝时间为晚上22:30-23:30。查寝工作将由物业管理员和留学生助理共同完成,请留学生们积极配合。
The School of International Education will carry out 2-3 dorm checks every month. The specific dates of dorm check are uncertain, and the dorm check will be conducted from 10:30-11:30pm. The dorm check will be done jointly by the doorkeepers and the international student assistants. International students are requested to actively cooperate with the dorm check.
2. 如查寝时发现留学生不在寝室,留学生助理将通过微信、电话等方式联系学生询问当前所在地及返校时间等信息,请保持手机畅通。若学生失联,留学生助理将把失联学生信息反馈给班主任,由班主任进行约谈等后续工作。
If the international student is not in the dorm during the check, the international student assistant will contact the student via WeChat, phone, etc. to ask about their current location and time of arrival, etc. Please keep your mobile phone available. For students who are unavailable, the international student assistant will feed back their information to the class mentor respectively, who will conduct follow-up work such as face-to-face meeting.
3. 针对查寝时不在寝室或查寝后外出的留学生,国际教育学院将调取当天的校门进出记录,如发现该生未能在当天晚上12点前返校,该生将被视为“夜不归宿”。根据《中国药科大学外国留学生违纪处分管理规定(试行)》(药大外[2020]40号)第二十条第(四)项“未经批准,夜不归宿或在外租房住宿的,未达到开除学籍处分的,视其违纪行为的性质和过错的严重程度,给予警告以上处分”规定,进行处分。凡受到处分的留学生将按照奖学金管理相关规定暂停或取消奖学金。
For international students who are not in the dorm during the check or go out after the check, the School of International Education will retrieve the entry and exit records of the gate system. Students who don’t arrive dorm before 12 at midnight will be regarded as “Staying off-campus overnight”.Disciplinaryaction shall be taken according to the Disciplinary Action Provisions for International Students, China Pharmaceutical University (Trial) ([2020] No. 40), Article 20 (4), “Those who Staying off-campus overnight or renting apartment without official approval and don’t reach the penalty of expulsion shall be given the “Warning or above” sanctions based on the seriousness of the act”. All international students who get disciplinary actions will face scholarship suspension or cancellation in accordance with the relevant provisions of scholarship management.
4. 未尽事宜请按照《中国药科大学留学生宿舍管理规定(试行)》(链接:http://international.cpu.edu.cn/3a/78/c403a14968/page.htm)严格执行。
For matters not covered, please strictly follow the "Regulations on Campus Housing for International Students at CPU(Trial)" (link: http://international.cpu.edu.cn/3a/78/c403a14968/page.htm).
School of International Education
October 28, 2021