Notice on the Application for Change of Residence System based on Unified Identity Certification

Publisher:张晨Published:2021-10-18Times :1048

为提高申请效率、将严格管理与方便学生相结合,我院在现有规定基础上,启用 “留学生住宿异动申请系统,网上申请系统处理更换宿舍、校外住宿申请、境内退宿及境外授权他人退宿异动事务,目前已测试完毕并投入使用。请有异动需要的境内外留学生访,登陆学校统一身份认证系统——服务中心——国际教育学院——外国留学生住宿异动模块办理。如无另行批准,学工办公室将不再通过电子邮件处理申请。

In order to improve the efficiency of student status change application and to combine strict management with the convenience of students, the School of International Education will use “Application for Change of Residence”online form under the CPU identity certification system to deal withChange of dormitory, application for off-campus accommodation, check-out within China and check-out authorized by others abroad. The system has been tested and put into use. International students in and outside China may visit and login CPU identity certification, click服务中心,国际教育学院 and then外国留学生住宿异动申请. If not otherwise approved, the Student Affairs Office will not deal with student status change application through Email.  


For other regulations and guidelines on international student accommodation, please refer to the Student Life section of official website of the School of International Education.


Regulations of Off-campus Residence for International Students, China Pharmaceutical University


Remind: Those who independently apply for suspension and withdrawal should complete the procedures of leaving school within 10 days after the approval of the leadership, including accommodation change and refund (if any):


School of International Education  
