To fund excellent international students to undertake full-time degree studiesatChina Pharmaceutical University, CPU now starts the 2023Academic Year GuobangScholarship applicationin accordance with the agreement between CPU and the enterprise. The detailed notice is as follows:
一、奖学金标准及名额 Amount and Quota
类别Student Category | 标准Amount(RMB) | 名额Quota |
优秀硕博 Outstanding Postgraduate Student | 10,000 | 5 |
优秀本科 Outstanding Undergraduate Student | 5,000 | 12 |
杰出单项(不分硕博) Special Contribution (all degree types) | 5,000 | 8 |
二、奖学金申请条件 Qualifications
Awardees of CSC Scholarship CANNOT apply.
Students who have applied for the 2023 Jiangsu Outstanding Student Scholarship do not need to submit it again. Candidates who fail for Jiangsu Scholarship and meet the requirements of Guobang Scholarship will be automatically transferred to Guobang Scholarship candidates.
3、 正常在校注册学习的二年级及以上外国学历生,上一学年未申请过休学、保留学籍或延长学制;第一年学历生、汉补生及境外未返校学生不能参加奖学金的评选。
Full-time degree candidates second-year or above enrolled at China Pharmaceutical University, not applied for academic suspension, extension, or retention in previous academic year are qualified. The application is NOT applicable to all first-year degree candidates, Chinese language students and students who are outside China.
Students shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government and the rules of the university. Students who ever violated Chinese laws or students who received school disciplinary punishment CANNOT apply.
5、学习态度端正,勤奋刻苦, 2022-2023学年学习成绩优秀,优秀硕博及优秀本科奖学金申请人无挂科、重修或缺考。
Students shall have positive learning attitude, work hard, and have excellent academic result in the 2022-2023 academic year. Applicants of Outstanding Postgraduate Scholarship and Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship should HAVE NO failed, retaken or absent exam course.
三、各奖项具体要求Special Requirements
1、 优秀硕博建议在中国或国际核心、权威刊物上以第一或第二作者发表过论文者申请。
Outstanding Postgraduate Student award prefers publication as the first or second author in Chinese or international core journal.
Outstanding Undergraduate Student award prefers students with top-ranked average score.
Special Contribution award prefers counselor assistants, class monitors, class representatives, volunteers and those who contributed in administration and activities, open to all degree types.
四、申请材料 Application Documents
Applicants shall enter "奖学金申请模块" through the information Portal, fill in the Application for Merit-based Scholarships/Awards of International Students, China Pharmaceutical University online,and upload following docs;
A. Transcripts of the previous academic year (2022-2023);
B. Published articles and scientific research (first page only);
C. Supporting documents of last year’s achievements in academics, sports, art, cultural exchanges, public welfare activities, etc.
在线申请奖学金指南请点击Please click on the online scholarship application guide:http://international.cpu.edu.cn/69/ab/c399a158123/page.htm
五、申请截止日期Deadline of Application
17:00, 23rd October, 2023
The time for the defense, announcement and issuance will otherwise be notified.
五、联系人 Contacts
金老师 Ms. Jin, 电话Tel:025-86185426
School of International Education
20th October 2023