大家好!首先,欢迎各位即将成为我们中国药科大学的一份子!开学在即,为确保同学们平安、有序地进行注册报到,现就我校 2023级国际新生注册报到相关事宜告知如下:
Dear international students,
First of all, welcome you all to be a new member of China Pharmaceutical University! The new semester is about to start. In order to ensure that you register in a safe and orderly manner, we hereby inform the onsite registration-related matters of 2023 international students as follows:
一、注册工作 Onsite Registration
(一)时间:2023年8月31日-9月1日 9:00-17:00
Time:9:00-17:00, 31st August-1st September 2023
Please be sure to arrive and register according to the specified time. Students arriving outside of working hours shall come to H1 Building by themselves and cannot register on the same day. Students who are unable to register on time due to special circumstances, please inform the counselor in advance and fill in the registration information as required (see “II. Registration Process”).
(二) 地点:南京市江宁区龙眠大道639号中国药科大学(江宁校区)H1组团一楼服务大厅
Avenue: Service Hall, 1st floor, Building H1, Jiangning Campus, China Pharmaceutical University, #639 Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China
Documents required:
Passport and first page photocopy
X1 visa and its photocopy
Original transcripts, degree certificates, graduation certificates and their photocopies
Original Admission Notice and JW201 or 202 form
Original Physical Examination Records and its photocopy
Completion Certificate and transcript if you take preparatory courses in another university (CSC students only)
二、入校报到流程 Registration Procedure
(一)线上登记返校时间Filling in Estimated Arrival Time
Register your estimated arrival date and time online in advance and keep in touch with your counselor. If there are special circumstances, please contact the counselor immediately.
Registration link:
辅导员联系方式:Counselors’ Contact:
1. 语言生辅导员:于晓日,
Counselor for Chinese language students: Ms Yu Xiaori
Office number: 025-83271521
Class Group Qr Code (in Wechat)
2. 本科生:倪可馨
Counselor for Undergraduates: Ms Ni Kexin
Office number:025-86185423
Class Group Qr Code (in Wechat):
3. 研究生及中文授课本科生:陈帅奇
Counselor for graduates and Chinese-taught undergraduates: Ms Chen Shuaiqi
Office number:025-86185423
Class Group Qr Code (in Wechat):
(二)当日入校 Arriving at Campus on the registered Date
1. 有序排队等待。学生应于线上登记的日期当天到校。学校在江宁校区西南门(1号门,靠地铁站)设立行人通道供乘坐公共交通入校新生通过。因留学生新生无法刷脸入校,学院将根据报到新生填报抵达时间安排留学生志愿者在门口接待入校并协助报到。
Orderly Queuing. Students shall only arrive on the registered date. CPU will set up a pedestrian passage at the main gate (gate 1, near the metro station) of Jiangning campus for students by public transport and opens the southeast gate (gate 2) for students by private cars. Considering the failure of face scanning for new students at the school gate, the School will arrange counselor assistants to help at the gate according to the arrival time reported and assist with registering.
2. 学生进校门时有序排队,入校后听从志愿者安排乘坐校内摆渡车至H1楼。抵达宿舍楼后可先暂存行李至宿舍门卫处,领取新生报到表后至H2楼6楼办理报到,流程如下:
When students enter the school gate, students shall line up in an orderly manner. After entering the school, please follow the arrangement of assistants to take the school shuttle bus to H1 building. After receiving the Registration Form at H1 doorkeeper’s office, please go to 6th floor, H2 building for registration. The procedure is as follows:
Step 1: Submit registration materials to H2-631 office for review;
Step 2: Go to H2-633 for visa processing, medical appointments, insurance purchases, etc.
Step 3:Go to H2-624 office to take registration photo and activate the campus SIM card.
Step 4: Go to H2-629 office to register student information, phone number, etc.
Step 5: Return to H1 Hall for baggage collection and check-in.
Note: Pre-language program students are arranged to live in Xuanwumen Campus should take the subway (Line 1, Xuanwumen Station Exit 2) or take a taxi to the Xuanwumen Campus to check in.
3. 进入宿舍做好各自宿舍的清洁、消毒工作,第一时间向辅导员报告到校情况。
Check-in. Students will be assigned dorm after passing documents review. Students shall clean and disinfect their dormitory, and report to the counselor at once.
4. 志愿者安排。在新生入校报到当天(8月31日-9月1日),学院将安排志愿者服务工作,为新生提供所需帮助。
Volunteer arrangements. On the day that the returning students return to campus and the new students register, that is, August 31st, the school will arrange volunteer services to provide needed help for the new and returning students.
三、日常管理注意事项 Precautions for Daily Regulations
1. 合理选乘交通工具。合理规划路线,注意旅途安全。具体路线可参考附件2023新生行前指南-交通指引。
Choose transportation reasonably. Plan a reasonable route. Pay attention to travel safety. For transportation directions, please refer to the attached 2023 Guidance for September-intake
Incoming International Students.
2. 遵守校门管理。新生入校报到后,需严格遵守校园进出门管理规定,每日须在24:00前返回宿舍,严禁夜不归宿。如有特殊情况当天无法返校的,在企业微信离校/请假模块发起申请,获得批准后方可出校。
Abide by entry-exit campus regulations. New students on campus must strictly abide by the campus entry and exit management regulations. Students must return to the dormitory before 24:00 every day and it is strictly forbidden to stay off campus overnight. If you must leave campus out of special circumstances, you can apply for leaving in Wecom in advance, and leave school with approval.
3. 遵守宿舍管理。严格执行学生宿舍晚归、夜不归宿等检查和追踪机制。学生要保持宿舍卫生清洁,在宿舍楼内串门,不接触或逗玩动物。
Abide by dormitory regulations. Strictly implement inspection and tracking system against the phenomena like coming back late and staying out overnight. Students shall keep their dormitories clean and tidy. Visiting others’ dormitories, touching, or playing with animals are not allowed.
4. 上课时间及后续安排
September 4th: Classes for Master and PhD students begin
9月5日- 9月9日:新生素质拓展周/新生教育周
September 5th-9th: Freshman Education Week
9月11日:语言生、英文授课本科生开课: (;
September 11th: Classes for Language students & English-taught undergraduates begin (;
September 18th: Classes for Chinese-taught undergraduates begin
2023(September-intake) Guidance for Incoming International Students.pdf
School of International Education
August 28, 2023