It has been documented that the following 18 students failed to complete the payment registration procedure for Academic Year 2022-2023 in a timely manner and failed participate in the teaching activities prescribed by the school for two consecutive weeks without approval, and did not apply for academic suspension. According to the regulations on Student Status Management of Undergraduate and Junior College Students of China Pharmaceutical University (No.188 [2019]) and The Regulations on Payment Management of Foreign Students of China Pharmaceutical University (No.5 (2018), the School of International Education decides to carry out Automatic Withdrawal procedure.
序号 | 申请编号 | 学号 | 中文姓名 | 护照姓名 | 专业 |
1 | 20190400184 | 2620200035 | 蔡志强 | JULIO IGNASIUS MALIK | 国际经济与贸易(医药方向) |
2 | 20210600110 | 2620210052 | 斯诺 | BENEDICTO STEPHANO LAZARO | 药学 |
3 | 20190100068 | 2620190084 | 迪斯 | DIASSY OMAR BEN ABDALLAH | 国际经济与贸易 |
4 | 20210400067 | 2620210042 | 费祎 | ALI FAEQ ALI AL-BAIDHANI | 药学 |
5 | 20210400052 | 2620210027 | 麦迪 | NDWEZA MODIRI | 药学 |
6 | 20200500145 | 2620200077 | 杰纳 | JAHNE ISSA RICHARD | 药学 |
7 | 20190300178 | 2620210015 | 唐格尔 | ALTANGEREL BOLORCHIMEG | 临床药学 |
8 | 20210600033 | 3921030004 | 阿玉巴 | AYUBA ABDULLAHI | 微生物与生化药学 |
9 | 20210100026 | 3821010010 | 不舍 | SALAMAT BUSHRA | 药理学 |
10 | 20190300069 | 2620200005 | 赛达 | ISHANGULYYEV SERDAR | 药学 |
11 | 20220300042 | 2620220034 | 仁德 | ALI AMRAN FARID | 药学 |
12 | 20220700022 | 2620220006 | 范氏秋 | PHAM THI THU | 国际经济与贸易(医药方向) |
13 | 20210300075 | 2620220012 | 可萍 | KAMPAMBA IVY | 药学 |
14 | 20220300103 | 2620220019 | 萨宾娜 | ADILBAY SABINA | 中药学 |
15 | 20210500129 | 2620220010 | 杰纳森 | MUMBA JONATHAN | 药学 |
16 | 20210500026 | 2620220018 | 阮玉琼枝 | NGUYEN NGOC QUYNH CHI | 国际经济与贸易(医药方向) |
17 | 20210200031 | 2620220004 | 阿宁 | CHI-AROON AING-ANONG | 国际经济与贸易(医药方向) |
18 | 20210500077 | 2620220013 | 丝芮 | TETSARANSIRIKUL KODCHAKORN | 市场营销(医药方向) |
If a student has objections to the decision of withdrawal, he/she can submit a written complaint to the school's Student Appeal Handling Committee within the publicity period. The complaint procedure shall be handled in accordance with the university's relevant regulations. Complaints will not be accepted after the deadline.
The publicity will last for 10 days (from March 17th, 2023 to March 26th, 2023).
Hereby announce.
School of International Education
March 17th, 2023