经过衡量学生的成绩、活动、综合表现、研究生发表论文情况,评选出以下学生参加答辩。Through a comprehensive review of students' academic, extracurricular performance and publications, the following students are nominated for the defense meeting.
Each student must prepare a 3-minute PPT presentation, size < 1.5M, titled as “category+order” (e.g. Postgraduate 1, Undergraduate 1) and send as attachment to 1720210036@cpu.edu.cn before Jan.3 17PM.
一、境内学生Students inside China
时间:北京时间2022年1月4日下午13:30 Time: 13:30PM, Jan.4, 2022 (Beijing Time)
地点:行政楼701 Location: Administration Building 701
Please wait outside 10 minutes in advance before the meeting starts.
名单及出场顺序(按申请时间)Namelist and order of presentation (By application time):
二、境外学生Students outside China
时间:北京时间2022年1月4日下午15:30 Time: 15:30PM, Jan.4, 2022 (Beijing Time)
ZOOM meeting test time: 11AM. Students who have network problem may prepare a three-minute personal statement in advance to be read by their respective class mentors.
名单及出场顺序(按申请时间)Namelist and order of presentation (By application time):
School of International Education
31st December,2021