Instructions for bringing your family

Publisher:张晨Published:2023-07-07Times :1220


The following instructions are provided for the application of the family members, in order to further standardize the administration of student dependents of CPU, and better regulate international students study and life.


I. Requirement for the Applicant

1. Only CPU’s full-time Master’s and Ph.D. candidates may apply for their dependents.

2. Student must abide by CPU rules and regulations, with no demerit records. The attendance rate shall be over 80 percent and average score above 80 points.

3. Student is holding a Residence Permit no less than 6 months.

4. Have adequate financial capacity to support family life.

5. Up to the date of application, student has already studied at CPU for no less than 6 months.


1. 家属陪读申请仅限我校硕士和博士留学生。

2. 遵守校纪校规,在校期间无违纪行为,出勤率大于80%,平均成绩高于80分。

3. 学生自己所持学习居留许可不少于6个月。

4. 有经济能力支持其家属在华生活。

5. 截止申请之日,学生须已在校学习满六个月。

II. Definition of dependent

Only limited to: legal spouse and children.

Number limit: 1 spouse and at most 2 children.

Age limit of child: 7-18. Children under 6 years old will not be allowed in.




III. Time of Application

The first month of each semester.



IV. Procedure

1. Submit complete materials (if incomplete, the application will not be accepted);

2. School of International Education will review the materials.

3. If approved, School of International Education will issue The Letter of No Objection, and student dependent applies for S1 visa to enter China. If not approved, no document will be issued.


1. 提交齐全的申请材料(材料不全不予受理)。

2. 国际教育学院对学生材料进行审核。

3. 国际教育学院向审核通过者出具《无异议证明》,家属申请S1签证来华。审核不通过者,不出具任何证明。

V. Materials

All applicants shall submit the following materials:

1. Completed Dependent Application Form signed by supervisor

2. Dependent’s passport page, 3 copies of marriage/birth certificate including: original copy, Chinese translation copy, and authorization page or Chinese embassy;

3. Off-campus Housing Contract and a photocopy of Party’A Chinese citizen ID

4. Recent 6 months’ transaction record of Chinese bank under student’s name, other income certificate (converted into RMB yuan) authorized by Chinese embassy.

(Monthly income – rent)/number of dependent >= 4000

5. Dependent’s Foreigner Physical Examination Form



1. 填写完整的《家属陪读申请表》,由导师签字;

2. 家属护照页、结婚证/出生证原件、翻译件、大使馆认证页;

3. 校外《租房合同》、甲方的中国公民身份证正面复印件;

4. 收入证明。留学生本人名下不少于六个月的银联银行存款证明及经中国大使馆认证过的其他收入证明。除《租房合同》房租金额外,存款加收入金额不得低于每名家属每月4000元人民币;

5. 家属的《外国人体检表》。

VI. Upon arriving in Nanjing

1. All dependents shall apply for Temporary Residence within 24 hours of entry, and register with School of International Education.

2. All dependents shall take the physical exam, apply for Health Certificate and apply for Residence Permit within 30 days of arrival. Student shall be responsible for dependent’s visa expiration and illegal overstay.

3. Dependents shall obey Chinese laws and University regulations.


1. 所有留学生家属来华24小时内须办理临时住宿登记,同时在国际教育学院登记备案。

2. 在规定时间内进行体检,办理健康证明、申请居留许可。因故不能按时办理,造成非法居留者,由当事留学生个人负责。

3. 陪读家属必须遵守中国法律和我校的相关管理规定。

China Pharmaceutical University

School of International Education

Dec.11, 2018

