Notice: Apply for 2024-2025 Outstanding Students Scholarship-Jiangsu Government Scholarship

Publisher:张晨Published:2024-10-15Times :19



Jiangsu Government Scholarship is sponsored by the Jiangsu Provincial Government to build up Study in Jiangsu brand and to enhance the influence of Jiangsu education in the world. The scholarship is to fund the excellent students across the globe to undertake full-time degree studies at universities and colleges in Jiangsu. China Pharmaceutical University is authorized as one of the host universities to accept international students under this scholarship. Jiangsu Government Scholarship —Outstanding Students Scholarship application for 2024-2025 academic year is open and the detailed notice is as follows:

一、奖学金标准及名额 Amount and Quota


Student category



Bachelor candidates

RMB 18,000


Master candidates

RMB 30,000


二、奖学金申请条件 Qualifications

1. 正常在校注册学习的外国本科生、硕士研究生,并且上一学年度未申请过休学、保留学籍或延长学制;

2. 遵守中国政府的法律、法规和校规、校纪;

3. 学习态度端正,勤奋刻苦,上一学年度学习成绩优秀,无不及格、重修或缺考

4. 在最近一年内有以下条件之一者:

1) 在中国或国际核心、权威刊物上以第一作者或第二作者发表论文;

  (2) 在国内外重大学术会议上宣读论文或作主要发言;

      (3) 积极组织、参加校级以上各类艺术、体育及文化交流活动,成绩显著,获得高等级奖项;

  (4) 积极参加学校、院系组织开展的各类活动及社会实践活动;

  (5) 为留学生服务及管理做出突出贡献。

5. 因违反中国法律法规或违反校纪校规受到纪律处分者不能参加奖学金的评选;

6. 第一年学历生和汉语进修生不能参加奖学金的评选;

7. 已获得中国政府奖学金全奖资助或本年度南京政府奖学金的学生不能参加奖学金评选。

(1) International undergraduates and postgraduates, second-year or above, enrolled in China Pharmaceutical University, and have not applied for school suspension, extension or retention in the previous school year;

(2) Students shall abide by the laws, regulations and rules of the Chinese government and CPU

(3) Students with positive learning attitudework hard, excel in academic in the previous year without fail, retaken course or absent exam;

(4) Fulfills one of the following conditions in the last year:

A. Published an article as the first or second author in Chinese or international core journal;

B. Made major presentations at major academic conferences at home and abroad;

C. Actively organized and participated in any kind of art, sports and cultural exchange activities above university level, with remarkable achievements and high-grade awards;

D. Actively participated in various activities and social practice activities organized by schools and faculties;

E. Made outstanding contributions to the service and management of international students

(5) Students who violated Chinese laws, regulations or received school disciplinary punishment cannot apply

(6) The application is not applicable to all first-year degree candidates and Chinese language students.

(7) Outstanding Students Scholarship is exclusive with CSC Scholarship or 2024 Nanjing Government Scholarship.

三、申请方法与材料要求 Application Method and Documents





Applicants shall enter "奖学金申请模块" through the information Portal, fill in the Application for Merit-based Scholarships/Awards of International Students ,China Pharmaceutical Universityonlineand upload following docs:

1Transcripts of the 2023-2024 academic year;

2Published articles and scientific research (if applicable. first page only);

3Documents of last year’s achievements in academics, sports, art, cultural exchanges, public welfare activities, etc.

在线申请奖学金指南请点击Please click on the online scholarship application guide



17:00 PM 20th October 2024

五、奖学金评审及公示 Scholarship Review

1. 国际教育学院负责申请材料的初审工作,并组织专家进行评审,确定推荐获奖学生名单。

2. 国际教育学院将获奖推荐名单在网站进行公示。公示结束后上报江苏省教育厅。

3. 江苏省教育厅将组织专家对所有推荐人选进行评审。最终获奖名单将以江苏省教育厅最终评定结果为准,具体公布时间另行通知。

1The School of International Education is to organize the review committee to select the candidates to be recommended.

2The School of International Education will publish the nominees list on its official website and when the publicity period is over, the list as well as materials will be sent to Jiangsu Education Department.

3Jiangsu Education Department will review all the nominees and publish the final result.

六、联系人 Contacts

金老师 Ms. Jin 电话Tel025-86185426



School of International Education

China Pharmaceutical University

15th October 2024