Instructions for CSC Annual Review Forms and Transcripts

Publisher:刘琪Published:2021-04-06Times :2944

CSC自评表和评语填写说明(校长奖不用看) Instructions for CSC self-assessment and comment forms (not applicable to Presidential Scholarship):

中国政府奖学金年度评审(学生自评)表:略(详见表格自带说明)Page 1: See the detailed directions of the self-assessment form

中国政府奖学金年度评审(学校评审)表第一栏学生信息:由学生自己填写。Page 2: Student Info shall be filled by student.

第二栏 学校意见:包括定量打分和定性评价。所有硕博须由导师填写并签字,中文本科插班生由院系辅导员填写并签字。在定性评价右下角签字。无导师或辅导员的空着由国教院填写。汉补学生由班主任(于老师)填写。定性评价必须客观细致。Page 2 Second Section: Include quantitative assessment (score) and qualitative description of performance. For Master’s and Ph.D. candidates, filled by supervisor.  For Chinese-taught bachelor’s candidates, filled by advisor of the academic school (fudaoyuan). For Chinese Language class, filled by Lead Teacher Ms.Yu.  The supervisor/advisor should sign on the right bottom of the comment. If had no supervisor or advisor, leave this section blank. The comments should be objective and detailed. 


Page 2 Leave the third section blank. Up to the School of International Education.

成绩单Transcripts (适用于所有需要成绩的学生 Applicable to all students who need transcripts)

所有成绩单须中文版。Chinese version required for all.

本科生须用自己校园卡在教学楼C楼二楼自助打印机上打印(见下图),或登录数字化校园,用教务处学籍系统 (校外请先登录VPN)截图所有历年来成绩单,按学期排序(见下图)。Undergraduate students shall print official transcripts on the self-help printer on 2F Classroom Building C with own campus card, or login Digital Campus  (use VPN for off-campus accessto make Screen Shot(s) of ALL academic results EVER EARNED, list by semester.

教务处机打成绩单示例Sample of Printed Official Transcript


Sample of one semester’s results generated by Undergraduate Affairs Office online system

硕士博士可登录研究生院系统 (校外请先登录VPN),将完整成绩单截图,须包含要求学分、已修学分、未修学分。见图例。Master's and PhD candidates shall print official transcripts login Graduate School system (use VPN for off-campus access) to make a Screen Shot of the entire page (shall include required credits, credits attained and average score. See the following sample.


sample: transcripts generated by Graduate School online system

汉语预科班不用打印Only current Chinese prep. students don't need to print out transcripts.