Change your password

Publisher:刘琪Published:2021-03-26Times :1634



Dear students, according to the latest requirements from the information center, you shall change your student account password as soon as possible. Otherwise, after logging in for 20 times, your account will be frozen, which will cause a lot of problems.The steps are as follows.

  1. Search for China Pharmaceutical University and open the school's official website page


  1. Log in VPN

  1. change Password

After clicking login, a warning page will appearclick “确定”


1. the original password is your student ID number(if you haven’t change it before).

2.The new password shall include number, capital and lower-case letter.

3. Make sure that you remember your new password.

  1. Bind mobile phone number and email

After changing the password, the following page will appear.

Follow the steps to bind your mobile phone number and email address.



School of International Education

March 26, 2021