Nominees of Nanjing Gov. Scholarship, 2020-2021 Academic Year

Publisher:刘琪Published:2020-09-15Times :1069


According to the Scholarship rules of Nanjing Education Bureau and admission documents of China Pharmaceutical University, in the principles of justice, openness and fairness and after the application of students, recommendation from advisors (for graduate students) and reviewing of students'  performance by School of International Education , now the list of Nanjing Government Scholarship nominees is published as follows:

20200915 中国药科大学 南京市政府外国留学生奖学金 评审结果上报.xlsx  

请注意此名单并非最终结果。有同学对以上结果有任何异议,请于917日下午五点前与国际教育学院联系。Please be informed that the nominee namelist is not the final awardees list. Any objection, please contact Ms. Zhang, office 105 before 17:00, September 17th, 2020.

联系人:张老师   电话:86185423 Contact: Ms. Zhang  Tel: 86185423