2020 Annual Review of CPU Presidential Scholarship for international students

Publisher:刘琪Published:2020-05-18Times :2251




School of International Education is taking charge of the annual review of CPU presidential Scholarship of international students. It is a comprehensive review of students’ academic performance, attendance, merit and demerit records, as well as research progress. Students who don’t submit required materials in time and those who fail in the annual review will not continue to enjoy the presidential scholarship for Academic Year 2020-2021. See details of scholarship http://international.cpu.edu.cn/362/list.htm





I. Participants

Scholarship awardee who will continue to study at CPU throughout the Academic Year 2020-2021, including former awardee whose scholarship have been suspended in 2019 and wish to resume for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Note: For students who are scheduled to graduate in 2020 (see Admission Notice) or those who will not graduate normally and extend their study in CPU, the period of scholarship will not be extended. Please do not take the Annual Review.




II. Method and Deadline

The 2020 Annual Review is given online. All participants must fill in the Online Form https://www.wjx.cn/jq/77132229.aspx and upload required documents by May 29, 2020 (Friday).

二维码和网址链接相同 The QR code is equivalent to the link above 





III. Instructions

1. Participants must fill in personal information, self-report for academic performance, attendance and disciplinary actions truthfully.

2. All Chinese-taught bachelor’s candidates and all postgraduates must login the Undergrad/Graduate School academic system to PrintScreen of the page for all courses taken (photo size<5M), and upload it to the online form. The transcripts of English-taught bachelor’s candidates and 2019 Chinese Prep. students will be accessed by the School of International Education and student don’t have to provide.

3. All second year postgraduates have to provide the Supervisor Comment Form.docx. Please download the form, send it to the supervisor for hand-written comments and signature, then upload the photo (size < 5M).




IV. Results

School of International Education will publish the result in June and notify the participants.



Contact: Ms. Liu

电话Tel: 86185426

Email: 1020082073@cpu.edu.cn



School of International Education